I got a traffic ticket. Now what? — MSU Student Legal Services

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I got a traffic ticket. Now what?

Traffic tickets may not seem like a big deal.  However, some traffic citations are punishable by fines and mandatory jail time.  Many of these offenses like failure to have insurance, driving without a license, or driving while your license is suspended or revoked are stackable offenses, which means the consequences get more serious with each offense.  Failure to resolve a traffic offense or pay a speeding ticket can result in an arrest warrant and possible suspension of your driver’s license. 

If you receive a speeding ticket in Montana, you can just pay the fine and there is no need to go to court unless you want to contest the ticket.  However, if you receive any other traffic citation including no insurance or driving without a license, you will have to appear in court, and plead either guilty or not-guilty. You may also have to take additional steps to get your license back if it was suspended.  

 If you receive any citation, come see ASMSU Legal Services for help.  We can answer your questions and make sure you take all necessary steps to fully resolve your case.  


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